Monday, November 14, 2011

Sudan ... then the States

During my last week in Uganda before furlough, I was able to make a final trip to the village of my dear friend and co-laborer David Omal and his wife Grace.  This Sudanese Acholi couple lives in Pajok, S. Sudan, and care for 21 children -- some biological, most orphaned. 

The people of Pajok were forced to flee during years of war and have just recently returned to their homeland.  They are slowly rebuilding, but the needs and suffering continue -- no clean water or adequate healthcare; extreme poverty; many addicted to alcohol (made from local crops and sold by many to survive).  Many people continue on a path of hopelessness because they don’t know of the hope and love offered freely to them by Jesus. David and Grace are committed to showing them.

As we were teaching the women, people would often pass through on the many trails intersecting this home.  They would sit to listen for a time and then continue on.  Often, the smell of alcohol was on their breath.  I am challenged by the love David and Grace show to these people.  Whoever came through was welcomed. If they happened to be there at mealtime, they were fed -- sober or drunk, it didn't matter.  There was no worry of  “do we have enough food” or, “they're drunk, send them away.” Isn’t that just what Jesus would do? Lord help me to always have that heart of love.

Please pray for Pajok as we continue to find ways to encourage and support God’s work thru David and Grace and to bring the hope of Jesus to the village in the months ahead.

Top: Children having porridge for breakfast before morning devotions and school.

Middle: David and Lucy lead the ladies in songs of worship before the teaching begins. David said many of these ladies have never heard about Jesus. We were honored and blessed to be able to share with them.

Bottom:  Lucy (my dear friend from Kitgum) and, John, whom I have served together with for several years and who now pastors a church in his home village of Obbo, just a few miles north of Pajok. He made the journey down to greet us during our visit.

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