Friday, February 17, 2012

Lotodore: 1st Visit of 2012

This week we were blessed with a pastor, a nurse, and a wonderful bible teacher from America who joined us in outreach to Lotodore Village (2 hrs. from Kitgum).

Upon arrival, we were greeted by these beautiful children. We talked to them about their Creator, about Jesus’ love for them, we sang with them, and closed with some fun games. After much singing, running, playing and laughter, we ended the evening at our base (about a mile away) in Moroku where we sat around a fire, had chappatis & tea and sang worship songs under a star filled sky.

The next day began early with breakfast and tea cooked over the fire. Then, we traveled back to the village for bible school with the children. About 100 of them were ready for the time with us. Each made their own bracelet … each color of bead tells of Jesus.

A medical clinic followed; the main goal being to de-worm all the children (a huge health issue). Many of these precious children are in desperate need of medical care and proper nutrition. Nurse Gloria worked tirelessly with the team to see each child, over 100 of them.

We ended the day with our visiting Pastor Mark’s wife, Sabrina, teaching the ladies about the characteristics of a godly woman. We left feeling tired, joyful and heartbroken all at once. The needs are many!  Thanks for reading!


  1. Paise Lord for his goodness we are keeping you in our prayers

  2. Therese,
    I admire your dedication, strength and willing heart.
    Many blessings to all of you.

    Your neighbor,

  3. I was so very blessed to hear you speak while you were recently in the states. You shared your testimony and heart for Jesus in such a beautiful way. Listening to you that night has impacted and inspired me greatly, thank you. God is using you in a mighty way to bring Him glory.
