Monday, August 6, 2012

Our 1st Ladies All Night Prayer Meeting in Kitgum. We started at 10 pm with an awesome time of worship and ended at 6 am with testimony, tea and mandazi together. The night flew by and many testimonies of God speaking to hearts came forward. He is faithful!  When we seek Him, we find Him, just as He promises. Everyone wants to do it again soon!  There is truly nothing more wonderful than being in the presence of the Spirit of God.
Lucy leads her prayer group time

Margret shares her prayer requests
with Prayer Leader Aloyo Santa

In the wee hours of the morning,
we took communion together.
It was a holy time of confession and thanksgiving.
Beatrice Obwona and her group take time to reflect.

1 comment:

  1. May all of your prayers be answered.

    Big hug to you Therese

