Sunday, September 23, 2012

Chris Adams & Amy Williams, visitors from Ashland Christian Fellowship, joined us in Kitgum for 4 wonderful days of ministry.  Here are a few shots of our time together. You should come too!

Chris shares some Bible teaching to
team members at home base in the village.
Group photo during a home visit in Lukwor East Village. e heard some wonderful testimonies of God's faithfulness
in the life of the lady behind me in the photo.  She used to brew alcohol and had no peace in her life.
Since inviting Jesus into her heart, her life and her home have been transformed. Awesome!
Amy joins the children during our evening time together in Latodore Village.
On our way to a home visit in Lukwor East.

Teaching the children of Latodore Village about Passover.

Our 1st Women's Mini-Conference, and completely facilitated and
taught by our Discipleship Training Graduates.
We had a wonderful time in the Word, prayer, singing, dancing and laughing.

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