Sunday, October 21, 2012


Me & Elyssa hanging out in
Kampala while she recovers.
Last Sunday, after several days of
typhoid treatment,
little Elyssa still had stomach pain and a fever. 
Seemingly no improvement.
Since she has sickle-cell anemia,
it was decided she needed to go to the
'good' doctor in Kampala. 
So, bright and early Monday morning,
her and I made the 8-hour drive together. 
We finally finished at the doctor's office
after dark with new treatment in hand.
Lots of bed rest, water, juice and yoghurt ... doctor's orders.
Turns out it wasn't typhoid after all,
but rather another strain of Salmonella. 
Next we had to brave
Kampala rush hour.
Not fun!
A city of over a million ...
with basically
no driving rules
Took us
over an hour
to go about
5 miles
My hands were shaking
upon arrival

So, what does one do for hours at a time with mandatory rest
* Take turns reading a "Box Car Children" book *
 (Pretty sure I enjoyed it more than her ... I'll sneek the book later to see how it ends)
* Color, color, & color some more*
* Laugh over any & everything *
* Eat yoghurt ... and PBJs *
* Watch "The 10 Commandments" ... three times *
(the only DVD I had on me)
* Play with my new camera *
(hence the cool photos 145 pictures later)
* Enjoy having hot water and flushing toilets *
* Talk and laugh about silly and ridiculous things *
All that to say I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with this precious little girl.
She's the 7 year-old daughter of Zane and Summer,
whom I serve with here in Kitgum. They are moving back to the states soon. 
Appreciate your prayers for that transition & for Summer's health.
How I will miss them all!  The new treatment was a success by the way!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Therese,
    Thank you for sharing the joys, and challenges of living in Kitgum.
    I truly enjoy reading about you and your families and friends. Glad Elyssa is well. So next road trip you might want to call AAA? (smile)

    Cheers to you. You are in my thoughts and prayers always.

