Sunday, February 24, 2013

Taking morning tea together before the Conference begins.
Our teachers for the event (from left):
Caroline, Lucy, Santa, Katherine, & (not shown) Flo

Last month, amidst the busyness of caring for the children, we were able to put together a Women's Mini-Conference. 
Our Discipleship Trainees served as teachers and leaders for the 2-day event. 
It is such a blessings to me to watch as these ladies grow in their faith and willingness to share so much with others.
Their feedback confirmed to me how much God is using each one!
Amazing servant-hearted boys help wash the ladies
hands before tea. (A cultural practice here.)
The McCourtney children were eager to serve conference
attendees in anyway they could. And they were amazing as they
helped me prepare & serve all the meals. What a blessing they are!

1 comment:

  1. Therese,,
    I really miss your updates. It's so wonderful to read and hear about your adventures with these glorious people. May you continue to be strengthen and filled with joy.


