Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Long time everyone!
As most of you know, I’ve just completed furlough in the USA; spending time with my mother, family and friends, and working on Ugandan Christ-centered Curriculum.
It’s been 3 weeks since my return to Kitgum and the Lord has done much in me. 
Re-surrender definitely would be the theme of the month.
Upon my return I’ve had many difficult questions that needed answering.
And more importantly, many things that I needed to trust God about. 
And, tho the process continues, He is definitely making progress in my heart.
A wise pastor, Chuck Smith, once said,
“When you are confused or uncertain, concentrate on what you DO know
rather than on what you don’t know.”
That advice has served me well over the years.
So, what I do know is that this is where God has me
at this time of my life for whatever reason. 
I’ve made a commitment to care for 2 precious boys for one more year
while they await adoption.
That entails home schooling and all that comes with
‘parenting’ a 9 and 10 year old – and little else.
Upon my return, I had a sort of dread about ‘surviving’ the year until
I was free to do the ‘ministry’ God has called me to.  
(My foolishness amazes even me sometimes!) 
The familiar thought came to my mind:
“Consider, Miss Therese, that perhaps THIS
is the ministry He has called you to.” 
I’ve resolved that I won’t just ‘survive’ this time, but, by the grace of God
make it all that He wants it to be.
My prayer with the boys has been,
“let’s make this year the year that we draw closer to God than ever before;
that throughout our lives we can look at this year as the year
we truly learned to hear His voice;
as the year He spoke many things clearly into our lives;
as the year that He changed us to be more like Him than ever before.” 
Truly to do ALL as unto the Lord!
You’ll never guess what happened after He brought that change in my heart! 
I am totally enjoying every minute (nearly)
serving here with these precious boys. 
I’ve had opportunity to reconnect with many dear friends
that the Lord has put into my life,
and I pray to be a blessing and encouragement to them as well. 
And the boys also have opportunity to be involved in ministry as they serve others.
It’s not about fixing everything – it won’t happen!
The poor will always be among us,
suffering is a part of life, and we can’t escape that. 
It’s about obedience to Christ – wherever we are and whatever we are doing –
from the mundane to the exciting and ‘important.’ 
Perhaps it is in the mundane that His greatest work is done in us. 
I pray I don’t miss it! 

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! You are an awesome person, my friend! where HE leads...God is good! All the time! Enjoy this year...every little smile ...every little miracle... God bless you.
