Saturday, November 20, 2010

Returning to Kitgum, N. Uganda

I am thankful for my time in Sudan and very thankful to now return to Kitgum.
   Ashland Christian Fellowship, has graciously taken me under their covering and I am very thankful and excited about this new partnership!
     What remains the same is my deep desire to take the love of Jesus to the hurting women and children of Uganda and wherever else He may lead. 
     I invite you to join us through updates and your prayers as God leads into a new season.  Thanks for reading! Visit us again!


  1. We love you!

    See you soon.

    P.S. Zane is planning to bring along a surprise visitor when he comes to pick you up at the airport.

    Can you believe how the Lord brought us back together--faithful to His word.

    We love you,

  2. Hehe. I wrote "we love you" twice.

    Guess I wanted to make sure you understand that!

  3. Glad you are back safe... it was wonderful to see you while you were back in the states... but I truly know you are where God wants you.... it shows in your eyes and smile!
    Love you my friend.
