Sunday, March 25, 2012


I received the most encouraging testimony last week. This group meets once a week at our farm. Pastor Zane teaches the men and I teach the ladies. We are in the book of Mark and just learned about the rich, young ruler who came running to Jesus, desperate for an answer ... how we also come up empty when we try to fill the void that only Jesus can fill.

After the teaching, I invited the ladies to share.  After several minutes, a quiet lady in the back raised her hand.  She said that her and I had actually met before. She reminded me of a day (over a year ago)  when we had gone hut to hut with a team of visitors.  We passed by four ladies who were quite drunk, sitting and laughing together at a hut.  They welcomed us and we shared Jesus with them. Turns out that she and another lady present (the one at top right), were among them.

She shared that that day was the beginning of Jesus changing her life … and not only her’s, but her husband's also. Now, alcohol is no longer a part of their lives, they look to Jesus. Her husband now works with Pastor Zane and they and their large family faithfully attend church.  Awesome!!!

Just a reminder that we never really know how God will use us.  I honestly didn’t expect they’d even remember the teaching, but God knew!      Thanks for reading! 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Therese,
    You are so right! We never know how our seemingly ordinary interactions are planting seeds of joy. Continue spreading the good news. By the way, your hair looks fabulous.


