Sunday, December 9, 2012


VBS on our compound. About 50+ children came
each day to go through the Bible with us.
Here they are making a craft about creation. Precious!
“Welo Kelo Yengo”

Literally, “visitors bring satisfaction”, this Acholi saying expresses how much visitors are loved in this culture … and I agree! 

We’ve  just finished 10 wonderful days with visitors from the USA.  A team of 6 joined us here in Kitgum to minister to adults and children alike.  Half of the team spent nine days teaching the “Master’s Bible Study” to local pastors, teachers and hungry souls. 

The other half spent four days per site teaching the children from Creation to Revelation.  We are so thankful for their willingness to take time out from their lives in America to reach out to the people of Northern Uganda.   Thanks Chris, Kevin, Nate, Polly, Scott & Terry.  Many people miss you already and were so grateful for your time here!  May God bless you for your obedience to Him!
Several ladies attended the training.
The 4 at left are part of our Discipleship Program here. 
Wonderful group!

Some of the guys (and ladies) who attended ...
we averaged 30 attendees per day. 
We are very thankful to be able to equip these Acholi pastors,
teachers and disciples of Jesus to take the good news to the uttermost!

My dear friend and sister Lucy (on our local team)
and John (pastoring a Calvary Chapel in S. Sudan). 
Enjoying the training. Truly, servants of the Lord!

Chris and Kevin hang out between sessions with Bosco.
As he was leaving on the last day, Bosco told me, "It would take
a very long time to learn the things I've learned in these few days.
Thank you all so much!" 
Game time ... fun!

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