Friday, November 22, 2013

Many have requested a sample of the
Christ-Centered Curriculum I've been helping with.
Here it is. 
I've also shared a link to Keith & Lisa's blog,
who spearhead the project. 
My prayer is that as you read these blog posts,
you will see the heart of this project and 
become as passionate and excited as we are
about this amazing opportunity to reach
the children of Uganda and S. Sudan
with the gospel. 

Here are UN-FORMATTED Excerpts from
"Earth & Seas"
Lesson Plan for P1
Main ideas· God called the dry land ‘earth’ and the water ‘seas’
· Maps show us dry land (continents) and water (oceans or seas)
Preparing to Learn
If you have a globe, show and explain to the students.
· This is what the earth would look like if
we were on the moon looking down.
· Paper maps take maps from the globe and make them flat.
· These are easier to use and carry. 
· Many years ago people believed that the world was flat and that you would fall off the earth if you went to the edge.

ACTIVITY: Wrap a piece of paper around a round object (a ball or orange) Invite a volunteer to color the paper. Next, lay it flat pointing out how the coloring shows different bumps and textures that represent the object, the way a map represents the earth.

Spiritual Application -- Read Genesis 1:110 aloud.
‘Think, Pair & Share’ (student’s share with a partner)

-- Name some other things that God create. --
Invite volunteers to share their answers.
Read from Genesis a list of the things He created
that students may not have mentioned.
Is anything impossible for God?
· We are wonderfully made aren’t we?
· If God can create the whole universe, then nothing is impossible with Him, is it?

Read Isaiah 40:22a aloud.
· Even when man thought the world was flat, the Bible, because it is inspired by God,
records that it is round, a circle.
· The Bible gives us information that only God could know.



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