Thursday, September 8, 2011

Please Pray for Sudan

Just had the great blessing of seeing my dear friend Joseph (right) during a rare time of leave from his military duty. We served together in Kitgum and also in Sudan and I grew to love and respect this man of God greatly.
     He is now a sergeant with the SPLA (Sudanese People's Liberation Army) serving as a chaplain --daily sharing the word of God, praying and encouraging the soldiers there. He tells me that the north are recruiting groups of renegade soldiers to attack the civilians in the south ... many women and children are being killed and villages destroyed -- so horrible!  The relentless bombing also continues. Thousands have had to flee their homes and are suffering greatly. They need our prayers!
     Martin (left) also serves in Sudan, ministering to the youth and anywhere else he is needed.  As I come to know him better, I am also growing to love and respect his daily sacrifices to serve God.

Meanwhile, back in Uganda, it's been harvest time. Here is our first crop of okra being cut and prepared for drying.  Pastor Zane has a heart to develop farms to help those rebuilding their lives after years in refugee camps.  Joyce (right) joins the group as she cleans rice for lunch. Joyce is also very active in the church teaching the women and children. Very gifted lady! These three are all part of the wonderful team God has put together in Kitgum.  Many thanks to all of you who pray and support us!

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