Monday, July 25, 2011


Baby chicks … cute!  We’ve just invested in our first poultry project so that our beloved friends, co-laborers and faithful servants of God can have some sort of supplemental income.  In six weeks some of the chickens will be ready for sale and in 5 months-- eggs!  When I say ‘we’ve invested’, I’m meaning myself and all of the faithful supporters who are such a major  part of the work God is doing here in Kitgum and Sudan.

This is Lucy, who will be keeping all the chicks for the 1st month so that she can vaccinate them for their transport to Sudan, where 2/3 of them will go  and  prayfully be the beginnings of ongoing support for those ministering there.  The medicine has to be kept cold, and of course, no power, no frig ...
You would love Lucy!  She spends her days riding her bicycle to various sites around Kitgum to teach ladies the Word of God. She has been a huge blessing as she fills in for me while I’ve been away with health issues. It is difficult to put into words what an amazing, humble woman of God she is.  I am honored and blessed to know her and serve with her!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dear Therese,
    Your words are filled with love and joy.
    What a blessing you are.

    Much peace,

    Linda n Ashland,OR
