Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Village Learning Centers Update

Term 1 is behind us and 2nd Term is in
full swing.  As with any new work, challenges are inevitable. One being that the classrooms and huts were not completed on time. But, that challenge is also behind us, as you can see by this simple, yet complete, classroom structure.

Of course other challenges have and will continue to arise as we adjust to meet them. But all and all, the term was a success in many, many ways.

Our program is designed for each village to contribute in key areas. One being building the necessary structures, another being feeding the pupils and the educators.

This also had a challenging beginning. The concept is new: this is not a government hand-out; and where alcoholism and poverty is prevalent, the issue makes for hungry children trying to learn and educators trying to teach. 

To remedy the problem, our Educators called village members together to address the issue. Their solution is that all contributions and commitments toward meals be supplied one-week BEFORE Term 2 begins.

Another huge challenge is absenteeism, due largely to illness among the children.  Educators report 2-4 pupils per day are ill. That is a staggering, yet not unusual, number in a place where malnutrition and malaria exist on a large scale.  Please join us in prayer for this.

Educators reported that in Latodore, suspicion and mistrust from the village is another challenge. Educators report that as they stood their ground, continuing the work God has called them to do, pupils began to come. At term end, Educators happily report that relationships are now much improved and villagers are beginning to understand the importance of school as they see the progress their children are making in a short period of time.

We couldn’t do this without those of you who have come alongside in support. Thank you  – lives, whole communities, are being changed.  Let it spread throughout all of Uganda, S. Sudan and all of Africa.

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