Monday, February 21, 2011

Pajok, South Sudan

An evening of rest after a day of travel and ministry.
From left: David Omal, Pastor Zane, a local Pastor, Lucy and Ronald.

Finally, after 2 years of prayer, God has allowed me to visit the village of my dear friend and brother in the Lord, David Omal. I was honored to serve with him for 1½ years in Kitgum, and also in Sudan; he is truly a humble servant of God. 
In June, he answered God’s call to return to his village in South Sudan and began caring for some of the many orphans there.  At the moment, he and his wife Grace are caring for 19 children, some are his family and 10 are orphaned.
Our time there was short, but we were able to do 2 days of ministry with the women and children while the men evangelized throughout the village. Pajok is an extremely isolated village and the poverty and suffering is widespread.  We hope to return soon, and to be an encouragement and support to God’s work there.
Photos at left:  during the day the children presented a song and dance to the women's bible study group. They had practiced for hours.  In the evening, we had fun time with the children making pipecleaner glasses and laughing together. These children were so respectful and well behaved, and appreciated every little thing. What a huge blessing they were to be around. 

1 comment:

  1. Lok Nyo Terese,

    I am a PhD student in anthropology at University College London (UCL) and I just came upon your blog about the ministry you are carrying out in Kitgum. If possible, can I please be added to the mailing list for the 'Where he leads' newsletter? I thank you in advance.
    While reading your blog, I saw that you were in Pajok, South Sudan last year, and, as I hope to be going there (or somewhere near it) for 12-18 months my PhD fieldwork next year, I was hoping to be able to ask you some questions about life there? My PhD research is into the effects of the Sudanese conflict and community reconstruction in rural South Sudan.
    I was also hoping that you might be able to put me in touch with David Ocol and Grace, the couple you mention who are living and working in the area? If so, once again, I thank you in advance.


    Thanks for your time and keep up the good work,


    Ryan O'Byrne

    PhD Candidate in Social and Cultural Anthropology,
    Department of Anthropology,
    University College London (UCL)

