Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saturday in Kitgum:
* Birthday Celebration
* Replicas of Hamburgers & Herbie
* Day off From Exams

Regarding turning 50 Lucy says:
"I thank God He let me live for so long."
Good perspective isn't it !

Ronald, Lucy and I go out for meat and sodas
to celebrate Lucy's 50th Birthday. 

Ephriam and Elizabeth cook 'hamburgers' at their family restaurant
while Ezra drives the Herbie replica to town. This ingenous creation by Elijah
comes complete with steering wheel, sun-roof, wipers that move, doors that open,
emergency brake, key, and ... air conditioning knob.  So creative!

McCourtney Children (whom I live with) boast their school uniforms
after completing day #2 of exams. Tho the children are home schooled,
they are still required to take Ugandan school exams


1 comment:

  1. Therese.

    What beautiful faces. Absolutely stunning. May joy continue to fill your heart and soul


    your neighbor.
